Saturday, May 24, 2008

..don't blink...we're growing up

So I've been tryin' ta slow it down
I've been tryin' to take it in In this here today, gone tomorrow world we're livin' in
Don't Blink, just like that you're six years old and you take a nap
and ya' Wake up and you're twenty-five and your high school sweetheart becomes your wife Don't Blink,
just might miss your babies growin' like mine did
Turning into moms and dads;
trust me friend, a hundred years go faster than you think
So Don't Blink No, don't blink No, don't blink life goes faster than you think! our lives change, we will still be friends forever...

..sisters...a bond that can never be broken..

..cousins...God knew better than to make us sisters. =)..

..As we grow up,we learn that even the one person that wasn't supposed to ever let you down... probably will. You will have your heart brokenprobably more than onceand it's harder every time. You'll break hearts too, so remember how it felt when yours was broken. You'll fight with your best friend. You'll blame a new love for things an old one did. You'll cry because time is passing too fastand you'll eventually lose someone you love. So take too many pictures, laugh too much, and love like you have never been hurt because every sixty seconds you spend upset is a minute of happiness you'll never get back... friends..

I am so thankful for my life and the people in it. God has blessed me more than I could ever ask for.

Now, kiddos, stop growing up! =)

Miss Christy

Sunday, May 11, 2008 was mommy's day...

So, even though I am not a mom, and don't intend on being anytime soon....I often get to feel some of the joys of motherhood. I love love love my sweet babies at church...I do.

And I am beyond excited....BEYOND excited that in December we will have a new addition to the Jordan family. HOORAY!!!!! =).

But have one of those moments. But, yet I praise God that He doesn't allow my love to dwindle any, just because I get frustrated. I can just want to strangle the little darlings, but yet...I just want to hug them and take them home with me at the end of the day.

Today, we sang in front of the church. Our song was "Here I am to Worship." The kids looked fantastic...but I began to stress when two of my strongest (and who also get the most excited about singing) weren't there. Luckily, all my stressin was for nothin' (you would think God told us not to worry or something) and in came running Makaela and Kegan. The kids looked GREAT. I have so much joy everytime I see them up there. It just takes my whole heart. Especially the youngest's amazing that at 3...they can sing so loud...and do the motions so preciously. =) After we convinced our youngest girl to pull her dress down and stop flashing the audience ..we get through about half of the song..and I hear this uncontrollable laughter...and then I realized what was happening. Noah...who had a solo...was still close to the mic..and couldn't stop laughing. Now, Noah is my clown. But boy is he smart...he keeps me on my toes with my teaching, but also on my toes with everything else. =) Once Noah keeps laughing, everyone else continues. I'm in the back...trying to get their attention..because they are still doing the motions, just laughing....and I realized that in the middle of the sanctuary, our youngest member of the children's depeartment (Lillie who turns one at the end of the month) is going crazy dancing with the had lost them. I try so hard not to get frustrated in these moments, but at the same time....I know they are so amazing...I want everybody else to get to see what they've worked so hard for. ::sigh::

I love seeing the kids anytime I get to. I love suprise visits to my aparment, late night cleaning trips to the church, play dates...I love all of it...and I love that I feel the love is returned. Nothing makes me happier then hearing "Miss Christy" and the excitement behind their voices.

We are learning the Ten Commandments right now...and I am learning just as much as they are I feel. I'm excited about what God is doing.

And...even though I'm not a mom...I'm thankful for all the moms that I do know...because without them, I couldn't have a part in their children's lives. =)

**Vacation Bible School is June 2nd through June 6th!**

Until Next time,
Miss Christy

Sunday, May 4, 2008 sissa..

So, against my will, my little sister isn't so little anymore. She's growing up on me..and boy has it been a fun journey. She graduates from high school this month, and begins a new chapter in her life. I love where we are now in our lives though. She truly is my most favorite person. She has turned into such a beautiful young lady. I hope she never goes too far away from me. =)

PS: This last picture is to prove to Clay, Noah, and Elijah that Miss Christy, did indeed, go to preschool at the same place they do. =)

Friday, May 2, 2008

Happy Birthday to the Babies

How much do I love birthday parties for small children? Lots. How much do I love being Miss Christy so that at the age of 21, single, and no kids, I get invited to the parties and it's not weird? Even more!!! =) Ellie and Riley are growing up on me. They have officially turned 3!!


Miss Christy

PS: We've surprised her...Miss Skylar has a new baby. See....