Tuesday, August 26, 2008

“Truly great friends are hard to find, difficult to leave, and impossible to forget.”

Daniel and Kimberly have been in my life for a few years now. They are very very dear friends to me. Sadly, they've been living far away from me..and now are moving even further!! Tonight I got to spend time with them and it made me very happy. Plus...I finally got to meet Caedmon!! What a sweetie pie he is!!


Miss Christy

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

New Beginnings...How Exciting!

The fall is bringing forth new beginnings. I am so excited and nervous all at once. Jennifer (my pastor's wife and one of my best friends) and I traveled to Presbyterial last weekend. We had debated on going for so long, and now I am SO glad that we went. God really blessed our time together and blessed me with growing in my relationships with christian ladies. It really is true that time spent in the Lord is so sweet. This is a picture of Camden ARP..where we went.As we traveled, Jen and I planned the upcoming units for the Children's Ministry and I am pumped!!! The teacher in me is, of course, coming out and I am loving planning these units.
For our older kids: The Lion Room, we are working on a "God Made..." Unit series. The first is God made my Body. We are focusing on the different ways we use the parts of our body to worship God. Worship is not just for Sunday mornings in church...our lives should be worship...so we are learning how we do that. For example, we just learned about our brain first. Our thoughts should be filled with whatever is true, honorable, right, pure... The overall theme is the verse that tells us the we, as christians, are a pleasing aroma to Christ. We are serving 'his nose'. =) We will continue to learn how are ears, mouth, hands, feet... can serve Christ. After that we will do 2 more God Made units...God Made Relationships and God Made Feelings. I'm so excited!! Following those we will do the God Gave us the Bible unit. That one will teach me so much, as well as the children.
On Wednesday nights the Lion Room will be working on our Catechism questions. For our Lamb room, Sundays will be God Made the Animals, and on Wednesdays they are learning their colors and talking about things God made that are those colors.
I am so excited about this ministry! I'm excited about our church. My constant prayer has been that God would close the doors if He didn't want me there, and until then, that we would still be standing. We are on a roller coaster...but things are looking up. It's been hard, but the other night I really prayed hard about giving it to God. So often I get caught up in trying to do all that I can to grow this church...and that is so not what it is about. It is what God does. So often we serve and we serve..but then God says, Alright...Serve ME. We get so caught up in the work, that we forget who we are fighting for. I am in love with my savior...and that is what matters.

On another note, school starts tomorrow. I am entering my senior year of college. It is so surreal in many ways. I cannot believe that it is almost time for me to have my career. To finally do what I have wanted to do my entire life. It is also amazing at how God's plans for me, were nothing like my own. He is such an amazing God!

I leave you with this,

"Come, let us sing for joy to the Lord; let us shout aloud to the Rock of our Salvation."
Psalm 95:1
I am shouting. God is good. All the time!

Much Love,
Miss Christy