Sunday, February 8, 2009


Lately, God has been teaching me many things. He's teaching me to find joy in the small things. He's teaching me about love. He's teaching me that my plans, are not His, and how to be content in that. He's teaching me that my family, and true friends are a gift from Him. He's teaching me that there is a reason for everything. He's teaching me to be patient. He's teaching me how to grow up (no matter how much I really don't want to.) He's teaching me to lean on Him for strength and guidance and to quit trying to do it all on my own. He's teaching me love. He's teaching me joy. I love my Jesus. He truly is amazing. I am so thankful for the blessings He has given me.
Things are looking up at Cornerstone. Constantly, my prayer has been, that God would keep me there, until He was through with me. And that when He was through with me/us, He would close the doors, because none of us are giving up. It's been such a journey and a roller coaster. But God has been ever-faithful. He never ceases to amaze. My God is big.
We've been singing a song lately, in Children's church. Here's Lillie giving you a taste...

Miss Lissa is my sister, Melissa. And man has she also been a great blessing to us. She comes on Wednesday nights and sometimes on Sundays to help me out with the kiddos. Lillie and Ellie LOVE her and she is SO good with them. We are very thankful to have her.

The kids are always teaching me new things. Even if I can't pinpoint the lesson I'm learning at the moment, I know that somethings is going on. It has been so amazing to watch them grow. I can't believe how big they are all getting! And of course, baby Phoebe is simply adorable at all times. :)
Elijah and I just celebrated our birthdays. He turned 6 on February 5th and I turned 22 on February 6. I love that our birthdays are so close together! We celebrated with pretty much running wild on Wednesday night at church.

This one is of Lillie and Ellie playing together...they have become great pals!

God has given me far more than I deserve. He has a wonderful and beautiful plan for my life, and yours. I am excited to see what He has planned for me.

Miss Christy

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