Saturday, June 20, 2009

An old post...but a good one...

So, I recently remembered my old LiveJournal account. I've been going back and reading some of the old entries and I found one that made me smile. So, I'm going to repost it:

February 28, 2006

Hearing about new relationships with God absolutely makes me go CRAZY! Good Crazy...I just bubble over with all the things I want to say...the things I want to share...that I am SOO learning so much...but in cannot put the amazingness of God into words...there are no words...and that blows my socks off!

On Faith:
At the Well the other night..Ed Newton preached on Peter for a moment...and although it was only a statement he has stuck with me...and I have gone on to teaching it in my children's church class.

* We learn about
faith...and as my children in children's church can tell you...Faith is believing in what we cannot see....they can say that backwords and forwards but it has been such a blessing to watch them really begin to comprehend the concept of faith. Even the 3 year old can tell me that faith is believing even though we can't see it. The Bible story we based our faith lessons on was the one about Jesus walking on the you are familiar with the story...we always focus on how Peter was being allowed to walk on the water as long as his eyes were on the Lord...but as soon as he got scared because of the wind and rain around him...he lost sight of God and started sinking into the water... but what we so often forget and that there were other men in that boat...and Peter was the only one that had the faith to get out of the boat...but he knew that it was better to be walking on that water with Jesus...than to be in the "safe" boat with the men...and as scary as it was...he got out...he took the first step of faith yeah he got a little scared...but Jesus was there...and pulled him back...and and he was further and closer go God in the end...than his fellow believers that had stayed "in" and stayed safe from the storm.*

So don't lose faith....always remember God is actually longing for a relationship with us...he has the ultimate love...we search for someone that cares for us...that loves us in the human form...and it is great when we have it...but God..the actual definition of REAL LONGING for US!


God is good.

"I need you Jesus, to come to my rescue, where else can I go? There's no other name by which I am saved....I need you Jesus."
"All I need is you, Lord, is you...all I need is you!"

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