Saturday, July 11, 2009

Grandaddy...Shoals Woman..Vacation Bible School...Church Vision Team...Student Teaching Placements :)

I figured it may be time for an update on life. It's been a little while since I just talked, and so I think that I will.

Grandaddy: He has been in and out of the hospital again. Currently, he is at home. It makes me sad and life has been hard. I've seen him grow as a man, and I've seen him more emotional than I ever have in my life. I am concerned about him at all times. But no matter what, I can't do anything but be thankful for the opportunities that God has been giving me to grow closer to him. I have seen him more in these past few months than I ever have. And that, is my fault. I love seeing him. I love being with him. I just want him to be okay.

Shoals Woman Magazine: I am SO excited about this! Vicki Pounders, with the Times Daily, is writing story on me about my involvement with children. This story will be in Shoals Woman Magazine, which should come out late August. I am really excited. This week, the kids are meeting me at the church for the 'photoshoot'. What an amazing opportunity!!!

VBS: Sort of. We decided to go small this year. We did not purchase the 'curriculum', so I am working with Jennifer to write most of it. We did purchase the music that Lifeway has, but are creating our own stuff. I am really excited about it. I want to do something for our kids. They deserve only the best. I love them so much. I am currently spending many hours working on this, since we start Monday. :) (Today is Saturday).

Church Vision Team: I am so excited about the upcoming months at Cornerstone Church. We are in the process of creating a Vision Team (if we could just get everyone on board). I am really really excited about what God can do here. I truly believe that He has big plans for us. It's kind of like the part in the move "Facing the Giants", where the guy is telling the coach, that we must prepare the fields, having the faith that God is going to make it rain. I've been at this church for almost 5 years, and I have seen God work. So many people just don't get it. But, I know that God has me there for a reason. I have been blessed with this church so many times, in ways that nobody else could see. I would not be the person I am today, if it wasn't for the things that God has brought us through. It's been hard, and it's been fun. I love working for my savior. :)

Student Teaching Placements: So, the letter I have been waiting on all summer, came in the mail yesterday. I have mixed feelings. My placements are Kindergarten at Hatton Elementary School and 6th Grade at Hibbett Middle School. Beyond any thought I have about them, I have been praying that God would put me exactly where He wanted, and that he would make this semester what He wants it to be. So, I am sure that He has done that. I have the faith that I am where He wants me. I'm excited about student teaching in general. I have wanted to be a teacher since I was 5 years old. I get to do it with church, but this is time for the "Big Girl World". After this, I have my degree. :) I am excited that this means no more class, and doing EXACTLY what I have worked all these years to be able to do. It is so exciting and scary all at the same time. I'm really excited about the people that are at my schools with me and what the semester will bring. I feel like I've wasted most of the summer waiting on this letter, and now I'm couting down the days til it's time to begin. (Now, that's a first!) I'm excited about what God has in store for the rest of the year!!!

Much Love,
Miss Christy

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