Friday, April 25, 2008 breakers..

This one's not about kiddos either...but lately I've been dealing with alot about "me" so I'm trying to vent some of that out. I'm waiting to get pics arranged and will post a few from Riley and Ellie's 3rd birthday parties.
So, I was inspired by a friend (Trey) to come up with a list of my 'deal breakers' for someone I would like to date. Trey had written a blog with his, and it got me thinking, "ya know, what are my deal breakers? what competely makes me not be interested in a guy?" So over the past few days I've really given it some thought. This is not meant to offend anyone, but this is me. Maybe I will add more as I think, but this is what I've got so far.

1. I will not date anyone I could not see myself one day marrying. This is not to scare anyone off, but at this stage in my life, at the ripe age of 21, it's pointless to waste your time in a relationship, that eventually will end.

2. I cannot date someone who doesn't love Jesus. My faith is the strongest part of me, and if I can't share that with the person I am in a relationships with, then I can't be in a relationship with that person.

3. If he doesn't like children, he's not for me. Children are my life. I have a passion for children..and it would just be dumb for me to try and share my life with someone who despises the little darlings.

4.Smoking. I've dated someone who smokes before...and it's just plain yucky. Now, if you currently smoke, I'd be willing to compromise if none of the other deal breakers were there...but you'd have to be willing to quit.

5. An alcoholic. Absolutely not. Been there, dated that. Not going to happen. It's actually a scary experience...and I could go on for hours why it's a terrible idea..but I won't. If you're an alcoholic, I'm not dating you.

6. Foot Fetish. It is a widely known fact that I hate feet. And when I say this, I don't just mean I think feet are yucky, I truly despise them. I have a complete panic attack if someone touches me with their bare feet. About the age of 5 is when I begin to not be able to handle feet. So, if this guy has a foot fetish, where he is obssessed with feet, this could be an obvious problem.

7. If you've ever lied to me. See ya.

8. If you are rude to my sister, not only will I lose all respect for you, but I will lose complete interest. There is a difference in being playful, and being a jerk. She's a very very important person in my life. So treat her as if she's your own little sister.

9. If you have been in jail for a major felony. Sorry.

10. I have very very strong friendships, two of them with males. These guys are my brothers. If you have a problem with jealousy, and it spills over to them, we will have issues. Now, I understand that at this point in my life, the whole "friends before boys" idea is fading away..and it is time to find someone who becomes your best friend, I understand this, but you must respect the friendship, the bond that has already been built and not be a overpowering jerk about it. And, you must respect my girl-friends. They're the best I could ask for.

11. If you do not have confidence in yourself, NOT being cocky, but if our sole relationship is built around me 'praising' your existance, or trying to convince you that you are worthy to be a human being, it's just not gonna work.

12. If he NEVER makes the first move. Now...I'm all about me putting myself out there occasionally, but let's face it. I'm old fashioned. So do your job. Be the man.

13. If you try to sleep with me, not only will we not work, but I will consider you scum. I am saving myself for my husband. And until we are husband and wife, I belong to God.

14. This goes along with number 13, not only should he not "try anything" with me, but also, respect me and the decisions I have made for my life. They don't have to be the same as yours, but respect that these are mine.

I could probably go on..but I won't. Maybe I'm too picky, but I'm okay with that. I believe God has someone for me, and I believe that I shouldn't lower my standards. Maybe I will be an old cat lady for the rest of forever, but I guess I would manage. I'm a hopless romantic, and I'm okay with that as well. This is who I am. =)

Saturday, April 19, 2008


Today was bittersweet. This blog...will not be about the children in my life..but instead about a few girls that will always always always be close to my heart. A little background: there are 3 beautiful ladies who I will always call my best friends. Lori, LinZ, and Meg. In high school...we were the 4. It was always us. About senior year...we kind of went our seperate ways, but gladly have stayed in touch. Lori and I remain to be inseperable. I see her at least once a week. Lindsey, was my roomate for a while, but recently moved home...but still...we stay in touch. Meg...oh Meg...always the crazy one..always wild...but always full of love...we kind of lost touch after graduation, but she remained one of us...that no matter where we were...when we did bump in or was as if nothing ever changed. For the longest time...Meg was my other half. Her family, was mine. I love her. But...she was the one who never dated, who didn't want kids...just wasn't into all that romance.... Well today, Megan got married. She called me a few months ago with the news of a baby..and a wedding. Immediatley, LinZ, Lori, and I made plans to be there, and to throw the baby shower later. was the wedding. I haven't had this much fun, but yet been so emotional in so long. I've decided I don't want to grow up. =)
Here are some pics to document the day.
LinZ, Lori, and I on our way:

This is on the road..before we saw the dead cow that was only sunbathing, before we got lost, before we did U-Turns in the middle of the road, before we saw the Correctional Facility. =)
So, this is what happens, when you are old fashioned and bring a tape to sing your song...they have to go find a boom box...and hold up the whole wedding. =)

Saying their vows...beautiful.

This would be Meg crying, while Lori sings.

Lori and the kid that actually liked her. =)

Me and Kevin (Megan's Daddy) I love him!

Me and Meg. I love her.

Favorite pic of the day. So many of these taken through the years.

So. The day was bittersweet. I love my friends. I can't believe we've reached these days. We always talked about our weddings, and the day we would watch Lori sing at all of was the first. LinZ is next...then who knows. ::sigh::


Miss Christy

Sunday, April 13, 2008

The Children's Sermon

Sometime time, shortly after the first hymn, the children of our church are called to the front for the Children's Sermon. I LOVE the Children's Sermon...I decided to make a list of why:

The kids are excited about it.

I get to watch someone else teach.

I get to watch how the kids behave with someone else teaching.

The children get time with Pastor Steve, which is SO important.

The kids pull the same stuff with Pastor Steve, as they do with me.

The whole church gets to see why some mornings, Miss Christy exits the nursery with a look of exhaustion on her face.

The children learn such precious lessons.

The church gets to see my babies in action.

It makes me smile.

It’s fun watching Pastor Steve teach the children.

It’s fun watching Pastor Steve try to keep the little darlings on topic.

The kids can be so silly.

It helps the children become a little more comfortable with the front of the church.

The children have the opportunity to teach everyone with their simple, but humbling answers.

"Pretty much all the honest truth-telling there is in the world is done by children." – Oliver Wendell Holmes

...they teach me...

"While we try to teach our children all about life,Our children teach us what life is all about."~Angela Schwindt

Again, it is Sunday and of course, my heart is just overflowing with love for those kids.

First I want to hit on 2 little girls that take up half of my heart. Anna Katherine and Haleigh babies. These two girls, one of which being my God-Daughter, the older would have been, had I known her when she was born. They are absolutely amazing. Anna Katherine and I have built this bond over the past 3 years that I never thought possible. Haliegh and I...over the past 9 months. It is simply amazing. I am slowly learning though...that as much as a I want to 'give them back' sometimes at the end of the day, I still lay down missing them. I still want them back in my arms....and I still have the constant fear that one day, because they aren't mine, I won't have them in my life. It simply terrifies me. I hate seeing them hurt. Anna Katherine has been through SO much in her 5 years on this earth...and it physically makes me hurt when she hurts. As she gets older, I watch the lady she is turning into...and as scary as it is....she is so amazing. And Haleigh....I am just simply dumbfounded at how babies grow. How I saw her the day she was born...and now she is crawling in the floor. She knows who I am....she is SO big!! God is so smart! Geez! =) other half of my heart...the half that belongs to my babies at church. Today being Sunday, I got to spend the morning with most of them. ( 2 are out of town...and of course..I missed them being there.) Isn't it funny how even though you may want to hang them by their toes at some point, at the end of the just want them in your arms. Ellie....she always seems happy to see me. Picture when you walk in a room...and someone is happy to see you...geniunely happy. I get to have this feeling on a weekly basis (usually haha) and it couldn't make me happier! Seeing Clay today, almost made me cry. God performed a miracle in that little boy's life...and I couldn't be more thankful.

I get so excited when God allows the kids to ask questions, that let's me know at some point in time...they heard me talking. We have gone backwards in our studies, from Easter. So, today we did our introductory lesson for Moses and the Ten Commandments. wasn't very profound, but I could have hugged him for it. Clay politely raised his hand and asked, "Was this before or after that man...oh what was his name...he betrayed Jesus." "I (and Noah of course) answered Judas" Riley pipes in to say the name again for us, and Clay says, "Yeah, Judas, is this story before or after he betrayed Jesus?" So then I explained that this story is before Jesus came to earth as a baby....but in my mind a million thoughts were running. I was so excited that first Clay remembered the lllooonnnggg discussion on the word betrayed that we had...and that there was a man that betrayed Jesus. It stuck with him. Sometimes, as most teachers do, you feel that the kids are NOT listening....EVER. haha Of course, they are. And acutally, statistics show that children are actually usually listening when they appear to not be...when they are doing something else. Which can be oh so frustrating. =)

I love those kids. I love how they teach me, ALL of the time. While talking to a new mommy in our church today, and discussing how her baby, Lillie, has begun to trust us, has begun to go to the nursery without a fuss. I began thinking back on the past few years and how much my babies have grown, how much they've changed....and how big they are getting. It is so bittersweet.

God is good to me!!

Miss Christy

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

my heart overflows

My heart is absolutely overflowing with love right now. Love for my Savior. Love for my God..who is always fully in control. Love for the precious babies in my life...and extreme love for their families.

Today was a rollercoaster. Today was the big surgery day for Clay...and as soon as I woke up, I sat on the side of my bed, begging God to take care of him. Since I had to teach for my math class, I couldn't skip class to be at the hospital all day. As I was going to teach and while I was teaching, I had an overwhelming feeling that I needed to get to Huntsville...if nothing..just to be there. To show that baby...and his mama my love. =) I went by work, very nervous about asking for the day off, and they were amazingly understanding. Mrs. Chaffin took a second to remind me not to be too anxious, because God was always in control. I got to Huntsville, and without stopping to potty =), I got to Clay's room as fast as I possibly could. If it hadn't been for all of the wires and tubes and things I could break, I would have picked that baby up out of his bed right there!! Throughout the day, I begged God to take care of it.

This evening, Emily (April's sister) and I brough Riley (Clay's little brother) home so that he could sleep in his own bed. It had been decided that Clay would need to stay overnight. Oh me of little faith....I nearly fell in the floor when we received the call that the tests looked amazing..and Clay was coming home!!!!

God is so good. We truly witnessed the power of prayer today. And I am so blessed to have such amazing people in my life. Love is such an amazing thing...and I am so glad that God gives it to us. I seriously could just cry....feeling the love that surrounds 'my family'.

My family consists of my blood family and a few very very special families that God has placed in my life. I would not be who I am today without them. I am so blessed to be allowed to be a part of these lives.

Thank you, God for the many blessings...for the hugs, for the smiles, for the kisses, and for the love that these sweet people show to me, and thank you I can give it back. =)

until next time,

love, Miss Christy

Sunday, April 6, 2008

..makes me crinkle my nose..

My little darlings make me smile so much. I love Sundays. It makes me beyond happy to be standing at church, and as soon as the door swings open, I hear "Miss Christy!" I love it. Gosh it makes me so happy.

As I was driving today I thought of what a blessing it is that I have been able to watch these children grow. Having orginally been from a VERY large church...I was very attached to the children in my class during Children's church, but we rotated. Every Sunday I ended up teaching about 60 kids. I saw 2 of my precious babies out of my old 4 year old class, they are 9 now. They still knew me as Miss Christy, but that was it. I was sad to see how big they had gotten, and how much I had missed, but at the same I was holding Ellie...I knew that I had been allowed, and blessed to be able to have a bigger role in the lives of my children now. My home now, for about 3 years, has allowed me to watch these children grow. Last Wednesday night, we had a friend night. Some nights, I come in and just tell them (because they know anyway)..guys, Miss Christy had a bad day, can I have a hug? And they attack! =) Physically, mentally, and spiritually I LOVE watching them grow. Boy has it been absolutely mind blowing. It makes my heart so happy.

When I began we were still in the "dungeon" of the nursery, and Elijah was in diapers. Him and Noah were my only kids. Since then, Ellie has joined us mix (and I am pushing for another Jordan baby! haha) Ellie just turned 3, Elijah 5, and Noah is a 2nd grader!! It is AMAZING to watch them grow. Also, the other children in our class are growing so much. Clay and Riley used to cry, pitch fits, to not go we can't keep them from running.

One of the biggest blessings here lately, has been watching the growth of our newest additions. Beautiful. Their first Sunday went, "Do you know who Jesus is?" No. "Do you know who God is?" no. Have you ever been to church? No. of the questions "Did Jesus want to die for us, or did he just need to?" and..."Do we call Jesus other names? Like, when we say that Jesus?" Yes. "OH!! So that's why we sang...Lord I lift your name on high..., we are singing to Jesus!"


And....Ellie...she is definatley a girl. =) But....I will never forget, the other night we were having a 'spat' and in the end, she said, "Miss Christy, i want to apologize first." in her precious 3 year old Ellie voice.....

if nothing, my children humble me.

Today, Noah asked me how my week was. I asked him if he liked my new shirt, and he waited a moment, and smiled. He didn't like it, but he wouldn't lie....

The things I learn from them!!

We're praying for Clay right now. He has to have surgery on Tuesday. =(

I love it that when I have one of those days...or that when I think things couldn't get worse...I know, that I can reach out to those children, and feel their love. I love their hugs, and their smiles. I love everything about them.

Miss Christy

Saturday, April 5, 2008

First Blog

So, I've had blogs on different things such as Myspace and/or facebook, but as I was driving down the road tonight, thinking about the people that are constantly on my mind, I decided that I wanted to tell people. I am 'that girl' that just can't shut up about the children in my life. If you know me, you know that I am single, and searching for the man that God has planned for me...the biggest part of me is my faith...but the thing that puts the biggest smile on my face...are those stinkin kids. =)

As Children's Director at my church, a dedicated babysitter, an elementary ed major, and a life is full of children..and I would have it no other way. it is. I have NO clue how much I will actually post, or if anyone will read it...but I am PUMPED about writing it. If nothing so that when I have of those least this will make me smile.

I'm off to prepare tomorrow's lesson. It being Sunday, I'm sure I will have much to tell....

until then...

Love, Miss Christy