Friday, April 25, 2008 breakers..

This one's not about kiddos either...but lately I've been dealing with alot about "me" so I'm trying to vent some of that out. I'm waiting to get pics arranged and will post a few from Riley and Ellie's 3rd birthday parties.
So, I was inspired by a friend (Trey) to come up with a list of my 'deal breakers' for someone I would like to date. Trey had written a blog with his, and it got me thinking, "ya know, what are my deal breakers? what competely makes me not be interested in a guy?" So over the past few days I've really given it some thought. This is not meant to offend anyone, but this is me. Maybe I will add more as I think, but this is what I've got so far.

1. I will not date anyone I could not see myself one day marrying. This is not to scare anyone off, but at this stage in my life, at the ripe age of 21, it's pointless to waste your time in a relationship, that eventually will end.

2. I cannot date someone who doesn't love Jesus. My faith is the strongest part of me, and if I can't share that with the person I am in a relationships with, then I can't be in a relationship with that person.

3. If he doesn't like children, he's not for me. Children are my life. I have a passion for children..and it would just be dumb for me to try and share my life with someone who despises the little darlings.

4.Smoking. I've dated someone who smokes before...and it's just plain yucky. Now, if you currently smoke, I'd be willing to compromise if none of the other deal breakers were there...but you'd have to be willing to quit.

5. An alcoholic. Absolutely not. Been there, dated that. Not going to happen. It's actually a scary experience...and I could go on for hours why it's a terrible idea..but I won't. If you're an alcoholic, I'm not dating you.

6. Foot Fetish. It is a widely known fact that I hate feet. And when I say this, I don't just mean I think feet are yucky, I truly despise them. I have a complete panic attack if someone touches me with their bare feet. About the age of 5 is when I begin to not be able to handle feet. So, if this guy has a foot fetish, where he is obssessed with feet, this could be an obvious problem.

7. If you've ever lied to me. See ya.

8. If you are rude to my sister, not only will I lose all respect for you, but I will lose complete interest. There is a difference in being playful, and being a jerk. She's a very very important person in my life. So treat her as if she's your own little sister.

9. If you have been in jail for a major felony. Sorry.

10. I have very very strong friendships, two of them with males. These guys are my brothers. If you have a problem with jealousy, and it spills over to them, we will have issues. Now, I understand that at this point in my life, the whole "friends before boys" idea is fading away..and it is time to find someone who becomes your best friend, I understand this, but you must respect the friendship, the bond that has already been built and not be a overpowering jerk about it. And, you must respect my girl-friends. They're the best I could ask for.

11. If you do not have confidence in yourself, NOT being cocky, but if our sole relationship is built around me 'praising' your existance, or trying to convince you that you are worthy to be a human being, it's just not gonna work.

12. If he NEVER makes the first move. Now...I'm all about me putting myself out there occasionally, but let's face it. I'm old fashioned. So do your job. Be the man.

13. If you try to sleep with me, not only will we not work, but I will consider you scum. I am saving myself for my husband. And until we are husband and wife, I belong to God.

14. This goes along with number 13, not only should he not "try anything" with me, but also, respect me and the decisions I have made for my life. They don't have to be the same as yours, but respect that these are mine.

I could probably go on..but I won't. Maybe I'm too picky, but I'm okay with that. I believe God has someone for me, and I believe that I shouldn't lower my standards. Maybe I will be an old cat lady for the rest of forever, but I guess I would manage. I'm a hopless romantic, and I'm okay with that as well. This is who I am. =)

1 comment:

The Jordan Family said...

Amen!!! Definitely not being too picky (hee-hee). Also, you didn't mention that presbyterians are preferable (just joking) and that he must pass the steve & jen test (so not joking)!