Sunday, April 13, 2008

The Children's Sermon

Sometime time, shortly after the first hymn, the children of our church are called to the front for the Children's Sermon. I LOVE the Children's Sermon...I decided to make a list of why:

The kids are excited about it.

I get to watch someone else teach.

I get to watch how the kids behave with someone else teaching.

The children get time with Pastor Steve, which is SO important.

The kids pull the same stuff with Pastor Steve, as they do with me.

The whole church gets to see why some mornings, Miss Christy exits the nursery with a look of exhaustion on her face.

The children learn such precious lessons.

The church gets to see my babies in action.

It makes me smile.

It’s fun watching Pastor Steve teach the children.

It’s fun watching Pastor Steve try to keep the little darlings on topic.

The kids can be so silly.

It helps the children become a little more comfortable with the front of the church.

The children have the opportunity to teach everyone with their simple, but humbling answers.

"Pretty much all the honest truth-telling there is in the world is done by children." – Oliver Wendell Holmes

1 comment:

The Jordan Family said...

My favorite thing about children's sermons is hearing the honesty of children. Who knew we had children with a secret desire to eat a rat?

Pastor Steve