Sunday, April 6, 2008

..makes me crinkle my nose..

My little darlings make me smile so much. I love Sundays. It makes me beyond happy to be standing at church, and as soon as the door swings open, I hear "Miss Christy!" I love it. Gosh it makes me so happy.

As I was driving today I thought of what a blessing it is that I have been able to watch these children grow. Having orginally been from a VERY large church...I was very attached to the children in my class during Children's church, but we rotated. Every Sunday I ended up teaching about 60 kids. I saw 2 of my precious babies out of my old 4 year old class, they are 9 now. They still knew me as Miss Christy, but that was it. I was sad to see how big they had gotten, and how much I had missed, but at the same I was holding Ellie...I knew that I had been allowed, and blessed to be able to have a bigger role in the lives of my children now. My home now, for about 3 years, has allowed me to watch these children grow. Last Wednesday night, we had a friend night. Some nights, I come in and just tell them (because they know anyway)..guys, Miss Christy had a bad day, can I have a hug? And they attack! =) Physically, mentally, and spiritually I LOVE watching them grow. Boy has it been absolutely mind blowing. It makes my heart so happy.

When I began we were still in the "dungeon" of the nursery, and Elijah was in diapers. Him and Noah were my only kids. Since then, Ellie has joined us mix (and I am pushing for another Jordan baby! haha) Ellie just turned 3, Elijah 5, and Noah is a 2nd grader!! It is AMAZING to watch them grow. Also, the other children in our class are growing so much. Clay and Riley used to cry, pitch fits, to not go we can't keep them from running.

One of the biggest blessings here lately, has been watching the growth of our newest additions. Beautiful. Their first Sunday went, "Do you know who Jesus is?" No. "Do you know who God is?" no. Have you ever been to church? No. of the questions "Did Jesus want to die for us, or did he just need to?" and..."Do we call Jesus other names? Like, when we say that Jesus?" Yes. "OH!! So that's why we sang...Lord I lift your name on high..., we are singing to Jesus!"


And....Ellie...she is definatley a girl. =) But....I will never forget, the other night we were having a 'spat' and in the end, she said, "Miss Christy, i want to apologize first." in her precious 3 year old Ellie voice.....

if nothing, my children humble me.

Today, Noah asked me how my week was. I asked him if he liked my new shirt, and he waited a moment, and smiled. He didn't like it, but he wouldn't lie....

The things I learn from them!!

We're praying for Clay right now. He has to have surgery on Tuesday. =(

I love it that when I have one of those days...or that when I think things couldn't get worse...I know, that I can reach out to those children, and feel their love. I love their hugs, and their smiles. I love everything about them.

Miss Christy

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