Saturday, April 19, 2008


Today was bittersweet. This blog...will not be about the children in my life..but instead about a few girls that will always always always be close to my heart. A little background: there are 3 beautiful ladies who I will always call my best friends. Lori, LinZ, and Meg. In high school...we were the 4. It was always us. About senior year...we kind of went our seperate ways, but gladly have stayed in touch. Lori and I remain to be inseperable. I see her at least once a week. Lindsey, was my roomate for a while, but recently moved home...but still...we stay in touch. Meg...oh Meg...always the crazy one..always wild...but always full of love...we kind of lost touch after graduation, but she remained one of us...that no matter where we were...when we did bump in or was as if nothing ever changed. For the longest time...Meg was my other half. Her family, was mine. I love her. But...she was the one who never dated, who didn't want kids...just wasn't into all that romance.... Well today, Megan got married. She called me a few months ago with the news of a baby..and a wedding. Immediatley, LinZ, Lori, and I made plans to be there, and to throw the baby shower later. was the wedding. I haven't had this much fun, but yet been so emotional in so long. I've decided I don't want to grow up. =)
Here are some pics to document the day.
LinZ, Lori, and I on our way:

This is on the road..before we saw the dead cow that was only sunbathing, before we got lost, before we did U-Turns in the middle of the road, before we saw the Correctional Facility. =)
So, this is what happens, when you are old fashioned and bring a tape to sing your song...they have to go find a boom box...and hold up the whole wedding. =)

Saying their vows...beautiful.

This would be Meg crying, while Lori sings.

Lori and the kid that actually liked her. =)

Me and Kevin (Megan's Daddy) I love him!

Me and Meg. I love her.

Favorite pic of the day. So many of these taken through the years.

So. The day was bittersweet. I love my friends. I can't believe we've reached these days. We always talked about our weddings, and the day we would watch Lori sing at all of was the first. LinZ is next...then who knows. ::sigh::


Miss Christy

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